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Curbside trash collection on all Town streets is on Friday beginning at 6:00 AM.
Weekly collection is limited to a total of 90 gallons.
Individual containers and bags are limited to a maximum weight of 60 pounds each.
Leaves and yards waste will be accepted when placed in tied bags. Tree limbs and sticks will be accepted when tied in bundles less than three feet in length and 60 pounds in weight. Wet leaves will not be collected.
Tires, paint, oil, ashes (hot or cold), Christmas trees, major appliances, hazardous waste, and all other materials which cannot be disposed of at the regional landfill shall not be collected.
Semi-annual bulk trash collection is held on the last Friday of the month in April and October.
All bulk materials to be picked up for disposal must be scheduled in advance. A bulk collection fee of $10.00 plus a per-tire surcharge for passenger car and light truck tires (payable in advance) will be collected for each residential bulk pickup, not to exceed 3 cubic yards (about a pickup truck load).
The request form will be made available the month before the scheduled collection. Form and payment must be received by the Town Office at least three days in advance of the scheduled collection date.
Complete order form and return with payment to Town Office by October 22, 2024
Planning Commission Public Information Meeting
Zoning Ordinance Update
February 18, 2025
6:00 PM